Little Dribblers' Basketball, Inc.-Promoting Youth Basketball since 1969
Little Dribblers' Basketball, Inc.-Promoting Youth Basketball since 1969
Publicize the meeting to get other people that are interested in helping with the league.
Make sure you get a group of individuals that are willing to work. It is recommended that you have: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Media/Reporter
By-laws set out the guidelines for all aspects of your league. Don't skip this step. Sample By-laws are available. Email us and we will email you a sample.
By-Laws set guidelines for selecting Board members, recruiting coaches, when your season will begin and end, how you will register players, cost to participate, and how complaints will be handled. It is worth taking your time to get this right.
It is vital that your league have a good working relationship with your school district. Most local leagues use the gyms at the local school district. Most schools are more than willing to work with your league and allow you to use their facilities for a nominal fee or free. Make sure you stress how your league will benefit the school. All you have to do is look at the past State Champions on the UIL website to see how Little Dribblers' leagues benefit the overall basketball program for school districts.
Now that you have established your league, your are ready to register your league, pay your annual fee, and purchase insurance. Go to LEAGUE REGISTRATION
It is very important that you register and purchase insurance before your begin any type of activity involving the players.
Set your Player Registration . We recommend .This is a simple process that allows your league to accept online player registration and payments. It will save you a ton of time and will help your league get started on the right foot.
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